How to Fix "AdSense Was Not Able to Find ads.txt"

AdSense Was Not Able to Find ads.txt

How to Fix "AdSense Was Not Able to Find ads.txt" Error on Various Platforms

If you're a website owner using Google AdSense, you might have encountered the frustrating message: "AdSense was not able to find ads.txt". This error can prevent you from earning revenue, and fixing it is crucial for your website's monetization. In this article, we'll walk you through simple steps to resolve this issue on various platforms, ensuring your AdSense account stays in good standing.

What is ads.txt and Why is it Important?

The ads.txt file (Authorized Digital Sellers) is a simple text file that helps prevent ad fraud by listing authorized sellers of your ad inventory. Google AdSense requires this file to be present on your website to ensure that only legitimate ads are displayed. Without it, you risk losing out on potential revenue and may even face account suspension.

Common Reasons for the "AdSense Was Not Able to Find ads.txt" Error

Before diving into the solutions, let's understand why this error occurs:

  • The ads.txt file is missing: You may not have uploaded the file to your website.
  • Incorrect file location: The file is not placed in the root directory of your domain.
  • File accessibility issues: The file might not be accessible due to server permissions or caching problems.
  • Typos or formatting errors: The content of the ads.txt file might be incorrect.

How to Fix the Error on Various Platforms

Now, let's explore how to resolve this issue on different platforms. Follow the steps below based on your website's setup.

1. Fixing the Error on WordPress

WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for website creation. Here's how to fix the ads.txt error on WordPress:

  1. Create the ads.txt file: Open a text editor (like Notepad) and paste the following line:, pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0. Replace pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your AdSense publisher ID.
  2. Upload the file: Use an FTP client (like FileZilla) or your hosting control panel to upload the ads.txt file to the root directory of your website (usually public_html).
  3. Verify the file: Visit to ensure the file is accessible.

If you're not comfortable with FTP, you can use plugins like "Ads.txt Manager" to simplify the process.

2. Fixing the Error on Blogger

Blogger users can also encounter this issue. Here's how to fix it:

  1. Go to your Blogger dashboard: Navigate to Settings > Earnings.
  2. Add the ads.txt file: Scroll down to the AdSense ads.txt section and click Edit. Paste your ads.txt content here and save the changes.
  3. Check the file: Visit to confirm it's working.

3. Fixing the Error on Shopify

For Shopify store owners, follow these steps:

  1. Create the ads.txt file: Use a text editor to create the file with your AdSense publisher ID.
  2. Upload the file: Go to Online Store > Themes in your Shopify dashboard. Click Actions > Edit Code and upload the file under the Assets section.
  3. Verify the file: Visit to ensure it's accessible.

4. Fixing the Error on Wix

Wix users can resolve the issue by following these steps:

  1. Create the ads.txt file: Use a text editor to create the file with your AdSense publisher ID.
  2. Upload the file: Go to Settings > File Manager in your Wix dashboard. Upload the file to the root directory.
  3. Verify the file: Visit to confirm it's working.

5. Fixing the Error on Custom HTML Websites

If you have a custom-built website, here's how to fix the error:

  1. Create the ads.txt file: Use a text editor to create the file with your AdSense publisher ID.
  2. Upload the file: Use an FTP client or your hosting control panel to upload the file to the root directory of your website.
  3. Verify the file: Visit to ensure it's accessible.

Tips to Ensure Your ads.txt File Works Perfectly

To avoid future issues, follow these best practices:

  • Double-check the file content: Ensure there are no typos or formatting errors in your ads.txt file.
  • Place the file in the root directory: The file must be accessible at
  • Clear your cache: If you've recently uploaded the file, clear your website's cache to ensure it's accessible.
  • Monitor AdSense notifications: Regularly check your AdSense dashboard for any alerts or warnings.


Fixing the "AdSense was not able to find ads.txt" error is essential for maintaining your ad revenue and ensuring your website complies with Google's policies. By following the steps outlined above, you can resolve this issue on various platforms like WordPress, Blogger, Shopify, Wix, and custom HTML websites. Remember to regularly check your ads.txt file and keep it updated to avoid future problems.

If you found this guide helpful, share it with other who might be facing the same issue. Happy monetizing!

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